" ERUPT 1.0" Erupt 1.0” is a state level I.T. Fest conducted by Department of Computer Science, ITM College, Mayyil, Kannur . The fest was conducted on 27th March 2014.The inaugural ceremony was held at the college auditorium at 9:30 am. Mrs. Reshma Thoonoli (HOD ,Dept. of .Computer Science) delivered the Welcome speech. Presidential Address was given by Mr. Prof. M. Moosa (Principal, ITM College of Arts and Science).Prof. Babu Anto (HOD,I.T Department, Kannur University) inaugurated the event. Mr. Muneer .K.K. ( Chairman, ITM College of Arts and Science) presented the felicitation for the program. Mr. Muhammed Jouhar (Program Coordinator) delivered the Vote of Thanks.

Major events of the fest were IT Quiz,IT Gaming,Coding and Photography.More than hundred students various colleges participated in different events.It was a grand successful program. Closing ceremony was held at 4:30 pm and the prizes were distributed by the Principal Prof.M.Mooosa.