"first aid " Contribution

"First Aid contribution "On 23rd November 2022,the students of BCA-1st year had initiated the inauguration of First Aid for the department of Computer Science.The students had cordially invited Prof.Majeed P.P.(Principal,ITM College) to inaugurate the function.

The program began with a silent prayer.It was followed by a Welcome Speech by Mrs.Vipina(Asst.Prof.,Department of Computer Science).She appreciated the batch for taking such a thoughtful initiative.Subsequently,Prof.Majeed P.P.(Principal) inaugurated the program.He was very much impressed with the batch.He felt thrilledto see the social consciousness shown by the students.He spoke about the importanceof First Aid and its many uses.He mentioned many instances where First Aid would be the first safety.He also educated us on the Precautionary methods that must be taken while someone is sufferingh from a cardiac-pulmonary attack

Next on,Mr.T.Ratheesh(Staff Secretary), Mrs. Reshma Thoonoli (HOD ,Dept. of .Computer Science), Mr.Jithesh P.(Staff Advisor),Mrs.Nishitha M.(Asst.Prof,Department of Computer Science) came forward to present their felicitation address.Mr.Ratheesh T. expressed his happiness to the cxlass and praised the students for their teamwork.Mrs.Reshma Thoonoli expressed her astonishment at the fact that the students took such an initiative and how they were ready to followed up with their plan.Mr.Jithesh appreciated the students for taking the initiative and for their effortless teamwork.He expressed how the confidence of the batch 2022-2025 had assured them that the coming ays would be impressive.Mrs.Nishitha concluded the event by saying that she was filled with happiness pride.She conveyed that the whole department was very proud of the class and motivated the class to do more social service. The progeam winded up with the Vote of Thanks by Yadhukul M.P.- BCA1st year RepresentativeHe spoke about the start of the initiative and expressed his gratituse to his friends who stood by him and successfully worked together to bring a better and healthy change ti the department.